Apitherapy, Flower pollen, Honey, Propolis

How to Naturally and Permanently Get Rid of H. pylori

prikaz načina kako se zauvijek riješiti Helicobacter pylori na prirodan način

Helicobacter pylori is a spiral bacterium that can be found on the stomach mucous membrane and often causes gastritis. The infection begins with the entry of the bacterium into the digestive system and, if left untreated, the infection can last for life. This bacterium is responsible for most cases of inflammation of the stomach mucous membrane and the development of stomach ulcers.

The symptoms of infection are most commonly:

  • pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen — gastritis;
  • frequent belching;
  • a feeling of flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • a lack of appetite; and
  • weight loss.

In some people, the infection can also be without any noticeable symptoms.


Diagnosis of infection

There are several diagnostic procedures for diagnosing the presence of this bacterium.

The first group is made up of non-invasive procedures that indirectly prove its presence in the body:

  • the urea breath test — simple and reliable, carried out using samples of exhaled air before and after taking a urea solution;
  • the examination of blood or saliva samples — specific antibodies in the blood or saliva of the infected person are proven, and since antibodies may be present in the body for years after recovery, this method is not used to verify the success of the performed treatment; and
  • taking a stool sample — the presence of the bacterium in the feces is determined.

Another group is an invasive method of detecting Helicobacter pylori by biopsy during an endoscopy, where a tissue sample is taken and then tested for bacterial urease.

3 (15)-min

Therapy and treatment

Typical therapy in cases of H. pylori infection consists of antibiotics and a drug to reduce gastric acid secretion.

However, there is also natural therapy, using non-synthetic products, which has many advantages.

The benefits of apitherapy — natural therapy using bee products:

  • no side effects;
  • does not cause dependency;
  • can be taken over a longer period; and
  • it does not help with just one problem, but rather improves the overall condition of the body in a natural way.

The problem of Helicobacter pylori is very effectively solved using a combination of PROPOLIS TINCTURE and API SUPPLEMENT!

Propolis is the most well-known natural antibiotic that restores the mucous membrane and flora of the entire digestive tract, and because of the numerous flavonoids in its composition, it has immunostimulating effects. The advantage of propolis over antibiotics is that there are no harmful side effects, bacteria do not develop resistance to it and it can be taken over a longer period.

Flower pollen provides a large amount of nutrients that are necessary for the body to fight infections and improve its condition, and honey has a beneficial effect on the stomach mucous membrane and the digestive tract.

Api Supplement + Propolis Tincture

Duration of therapy: a minimum of 3–4 months

Dosage instructions for Api Supplement:
1 teaspoon in the morning + 1 teaspoon in the evening after a meal

Dosage instructions for Propolis Tincture:
1 tablespoon after a meal, 3 times a day