Beeswax, Apitherapy, Flower pollen, Propolis

Solutions for Problematic Sinuses and a Persistently Runny Nose

Rješenje za problematične sinuse i stalno curenje nosa

Sinus inflammation, congestion or a constantly runny nose are common symptoms for this autumn and winter period.

The most common causes of inflammation are bacteria and viruses, and people who are prone to allergies are also more prone to sinus infections.

Signs of possible sinusitis are:

  • reduced sense of smell;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • congested or runny nose;
  • pain and discomfort in the sinuses;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • sensitivity of the eyes;
  • wet cough; and
  • bad breath.


the Apisan yellow cream made of beeswax + Api Supplement made of a honey mixture.


Did you know that natural beeswax is completely safe to use and that you can use it for sinus inflammation and allergic rhinitis?

In the morning and in the evening, one small dab of cream the size of a peppercorn is put into each nostril while in a lying position. It is necessary to wait for the cream to melt a little, and then inhale it as strongly as possible, deep into the sinuses. Repeat the procedure twice a day over a longer period

Application and effects of beeswax:

  • anti-inflammatory effect on the skin and mucous membrane;
  • treatment of wounds and skin conditions;
  • protects the skin from drying out;
  • is absorbed well into the skin;
  • antimicrobial effects;
  • regenerative effect on damaged cells;
  • strengthens gums (while not sticking to teeth); and
  • improves digestion.

In addition to the cream, in order to improve immunity and resolve any inflammation in the body, it is recommended to take Api Supplement — Honey with added flower pollen and propolis, at least 3–4 jars.

Flower pollen — a “super food”:

  • contains substances vital for subsistence;
  • stimulates substance exchange and maintains the homeostasis of the body;
  • has immunostimulating and antioxidant effects;
  • increases the number of erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes; and
  • has antibacterial effects.

Propolis — the golden product of the hive:

  • a strong antioxidant (anti-inflammatory properties);
  • flavonoids are responsible for its medicinal properties (antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties);
  • it acts as a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic without the emergence of bacterial resistance; and
  • restores the natural intestinal microflora.

Choose a natural and safe solution!